Hanne Myren (f.1973) var en av grunnleggerne av MOP i 1995. Hennes regidebut, “Jenter” (2007), mottok Amanda for både beste dokumentarfilm og beste ungdomsfilm. Myrens neste prosjekt, drama-dokumentaren “Kontroll”, vant Terie Vigen-prisen for beste norske kortfilm i 2009, og ble nominert til en Amanda i kategorien Beste kortfilm. Hun har også regissert spillefilmen “Elsk Meg” (2013). Hanne jobber for tiden i Norsk Filminstitutt.
Hanne Myren (b.1973) was one of the founders of MOP in 1995. Her directorial debut, Girls (2007), received the Norwegian National Film Award Amanda for both Best Documentary and Best Youth film. Myren’s following project, the drama-documentary short Control, won the Terie Vigen award for Best Norwegian short film in 2009, and was nominated for an Amanda in the category Best Short film. She has also directed the feature “Love Me” (2013). Hanne now works at the Norwegian Film Institute.
Phone: + 47 41456362
Email: hanne [at] mop.no
Hanne has produced the following films for Medieoperatørene: Ten Years from Now, How Happy Can You Be?, Sandman - The Story of a Socialist Superman, Suburban Songs, The Man Who Loved Haugesund, To The House, The Radioballet, The Secret Club, Clinton - The Musical.
To see which films she’s directed with Medieoperatørene, see below.
Kontroll handler om følelsene vi foretrekker å holde for oss selv.
Tilgjengelig på DVD som en del av kompilasjonen New Ways to Norwegian Documentaries.
Control is about the emotions we prefer to keep to ourselves.
Available on DVD as a part of the compilation New Ways to Norwegian Documentaries.
Format: Short hybrid Length: 23 min Language(s): Norwegian, Swedish, German Released: 2009 Director: Hanne Myren Director of Photography: Øystein Mamen
Producer: KriStine Ann Skaret World sales: Medieoperatørene Financing: Norwegian Film Institute
2009 Norwegian Short Film Festival, Grimstad: Terje Vigen Award
2009 Minimalen Filmfestival, Trondheim: Jury’s Special Award
Tempofestivalen, Stockholm, Sweden 2010
Norwegian Short Film Festival, Grimstad 2009
Nordisk Panorama 5 Cities Film Festival, Reykjavik 2009
Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival 2009
Plus Camerimage, Poland 2009
I den nære og ærlige dokumentaren Jenter møter vi Iselin, Mahsa og deres venner som viser oss hvordan det er å være jente i Norge i dag. Kanskje er det de tøffeste jentene som dem, de som har prøvd og testet det meste tidligere enn de andre, som da må jobbe hardest for å finne seg selv. Det er da det er godt å ha venner. Eller kanskje ikke?
In this close-up and frank documentary Girls we meet Iselin, Mahsa and their friends who show us what it is like to be a girl in Norway today. Perhaps it is the toughest girls like them, the ones that have tried and tested most things before the others, who then need to work hardest at discovering themselves. That is when it is good to have friends. Or maybe not?
Norway (audience: 47.000)
Genre: Documentary Dur: 77min. Director: Hanne Myren Producer: Øyvind Rostad Cinema release: February 2007 Distribution: NRK
2007: National Film Award Amanda for Best Children & Youth Film
2007: National Film Award Amanda for Best Documentary
2007 Norwegian Documentary Film Festival Volda: Honorary Mention
2007 Norwegian Short Film Festival: Honorary Mention – Documentary Films
2007 Nordisk Panorama – 5 Cities Film Festival: Honoraray Mention – Documentary Jury
2007 Kristiansand Int’l Children’s Film Festival
2007 Norwegian Documentary Film Festival Volda
2007 Norwegian Short Film Festival Grimstad
2007 Femina Women’s Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro
2007 Shhh! Copenhagen International Film Festival for Children and Young People
2007 Nordisk Panorama, Oulu
2007 M:dox, Malmö
2007 Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, Germany
2007 Laterna Nordica, Denmark
2008 BUFF Children & Youth Film Festival, Malmö
2008 Reykjavik Short & Docs, Iceland
2008 Buster Int’l Children’s Film Festival, Denmark
2008 Scanorama, Vilnius, Lithuania
2009 DocPoint, Finland
2009 Buster Int. Children & Youth Film Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 Nordox, Beijing
Vennene til Benjamin Hermansen, en ung gutt som ble myrdet av nynazister, kjemper for å få sitt liv til å gå videre og for at deres fotballag skal lykkes etter det store tapet de har lidd.
The friends of Benjamin Hermansen, a young boy that got murdered by neo nazis, struggle to make their life go on and their football team succeed after their great loss.
Documentary Dur: 30 min. Director: Hanne Myren Producer: Jon Haukeland Released: 2002 TV-distribution: NRK 1 (Norway)
Gjennom super 8-bilder fra oljebransjens første år, avsløres det daglige livet til oljepionerene. Et personlig og episk innsyn i eventyrårene som forandret fremtiden til et land.
Through super 8 shoots from the early years of the oil industry in Norway , the daily life of the oil pioneers is revealed. A personal and epic look at the adventures years that changed the future of a country.
Documentary Dur: 29 min. Director: Halvard Haldorsen & Hanne Myren Producer: Øyvind Rostad Release: 2000 TV-distribution: NRK1 (Norway)
Tromsø International Film Festival, 2000
The Norwegian Short Film Festival, 2000