prosjekter under utvikling / projects in progress
Det Nye Museet / the new museum
I utvikling. Dokumentarfilm som følger prosessen med å bygge Norges nye Nasjonalmuseum for kunst, arkitektur og design til dørene åpnes for publikum i 2020.
In development. Documentary film that follows the process of building Norway's new National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design until the doors opens to the public in 2020.
HOCKEY DREAMS (co-production)
Host country Korea will face the world’s best hockey nation Canada in the Winter Olympics. Ethnically Korean, but mentally North American hockey coach has four years to prevent national embarrassment.
The joy of being selected to host the Winter Olympics quickly turns into fear in Korea. How can you create an ice hockey team that does not embarrass the whole nation when you have only four years time and 100 players to choose from and you need to survive against hockey powerhouses such as Canada with a pool of 100.000 players?
Ethnically Korean, but mentally North American coach is given a huge challenge to prevent national embarrassment.
Hockey Dreams is a humoristic character-driven underdog story about a small team achieving the impossible. Below the surface the film dives into the intertwined symbiosis of sports, business and both national and international politics.
KONGSHAUGEFFEKTEN / The Kongshaug Effect
I utvikling. KONGSHAUGEFFEKTEN er en enkeltstående dokumentarfilm om en av verdens beste lydteknikere, Jan Erik Kongshaug. Mannen som har over 4000 innspillinger på merittlisten sin, og som har skrudd lyd for alle de største jazzmusikerne i verden. Regi: Maren Victoria Thingnæs
In development. THE KONGSHAUG EFFECT is a unique documentary film about one of the world's best sound engineers, Jan Erik Kongshaug. The man who has over 4,000 recordings on his track record and who has worked for all the biggest jazz musicians in the world.